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SOLD OUT - Sponsor Registration for VLCT'S Local Officials Golf Outing

June 28, 2023


Wednesday, June 28, 2023


8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Registration Deadline

Friday, June 02, 2023


SOLD OUT - Sponsor Registration for VLCT'S Local Officials Golf Outing Event Image

Join Vermont's municipal members Wednesday, June 28th at the Green Mountain National Golf Course in Killington for VLCT'S annual Local Officials Golf Outing.

This outing will be a four-person scramble with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start and 18 holes followed by lunch.

Sponsorship Tiers and Details:

  • Grand Sponsor $2,000
    Includes: Four hole signs and four golf registrations
  • Awards Sponsor $1,000
    Includes: Three hole signs and four golf registrations
  • Sponsor $500
    Includes: Two hole signs and two golf registrations
  • Hole Sponsor $250
    Includes: One hole sign and one golf registration
  • Raffle Prize Donor $85 to attend & Your Choice of Raffle Prize to Donate

Please indicate your level of sponsorship at sign up. Sponsors must register by June 2, 2023.

All sponsorship levels also include:

  • greens fees
  • a shared cart
  • morning snacks
  • bottled water
  • lunch

Golfers may either name their foursome or let us select their partners. Please email with your team members.

For more information, please contact

Registration Fees

Awards Sponsor (Member)
Early Standard Late
Awards Sponsor (Non-member)
Early Standard Late
Grand Sponsor (Member)
Early Standard Late
Grand Sponsor (Non-member)
Early Standard Late
Hole Sponsor (Member)
Early Standard Late
Hole Sponsor (Non-member)
Early Standard Late
Raffle Prize Sponsor (Member)
Early Standard Late
Raffle Prize Sponsor (Non-member)
Early Standard Late
Sponsor (Member)
Early Standard Late
Sponsor (Non-member)
Early Standard Late
Hotel/Meal Package



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Continuing Education

