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Finance Officers Training Series

July 20, 2023


Thursday, July 20, 2023


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Registration Deadline

Thursday, July 20, 2023


Finance Officers Training Series Event Image

July 20, 2023 10 AM - 12 PMPreparing for Your Audit, Part III
Join us for the final part of this three part series on preparing for your audit. The June 30th fiscal year is closed and you’re pulling together numbers. This session will focus on adjusting taxes and other receivables for the modified accrual period and performing an in house analytical analysis to get out ahead of your auditors.

Save the Date for the next session:
August 24, 2023 10 AM - 12 PM- Take Control of your Finance Statements
Have you even wanted to prepare your own financial statements or expand your basic financial statement to an annual comprehensive financial report? This session will examine practical steps to accomplish both.

Registration Fees

PACIF: $20
Early Standard Late
VLCT $50
Early Standard Late
Hotel/Meal Package



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Continuing Education

