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Fall Planning & Zoning Forum - Hybrid

October 17, 2024


Thursday, October 17, 2024


9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Registration Deadline

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Fall Planning & Zoning Forum - Hybrid Event Image

Join us virtual via Zoom or in person at Lake Morey Resort.

This year’s forum consists of three distinct presentations.

  • Representatives from two key state agencies will review the changes related to new housing development that affect several regulations, including Act 250, during the 2024 legislative session. They will also point out funding opportunities and support that are available from the state.
  • The lead attorney for the Slate Ridge zoning enforcement case will review the history leading up to the ultimate outcome and share insights on best practices for handling zoning violations, especially if they reach state and national attention. 
  • Hot on the heels of VLCT’s annual meeting, the VLCT advocacy team will share priorities and changes to VLCT’s Municipal Policy and their outlook for the 2025 legislative session.

9:30 AM – In-person check-in at Lake Morey Resort

10:00 AM – Welcome

10:15 AM – Legislative Updates to Planning and Land Use for More Homes in Vermont
Vermont enacted major reforms to state, regional, and local planning, regulation, and community investment the 2023-2024 legislative biennium. (Acts 47 and Act 181). These acts focus on expanding opportunity and accelerating housing production in and around designated centers and areas served by available water and sewer infrastructure. The legislation affects near-, mid-, and long-term decisions that local planning and development review officials must make related to Act 250, regional planning, state designation, and local permits. Speakers from the Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development and the Vermont Natural Resources Board will review key legislative requirements, mapping needs, and funding options to support plans and regulations that offer housing opportunities for everyone in your town or city.

11:30 AM – 2025 Legislative Session Outlook
Join VLCT’s advocacy team for an update on VLCT’s 2024-2025 municipal policy – adopted by members at VLCT’s annual meeting on Oct. 1, and their outlook for the 2025 legislative session.

12:00 PM – Lunch break (provided)

1:00 PM – The Slate Ridge Zoning Enforcement Case
The lead attorney representing the Town of Pawlet’s Slate Ridge zoning enforcement case will review the history leading up to the ultimate outcome and share insights on best practices for handling zoning violations, especially if they reach state and national attention.

2:30 PM – End


Jacob Hemmerick, AICP, Community Planning & Policy Manager, Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development, Montpelier, VT

Peter Gill, Executive Director, Vermont Natural Resources Board, Montpelier, VT 

Ted Brady, Executive Director, VLCT

Josh Hanford, Director of Intergovernmental Relations, VLCT

Merrill Bent, Esq., Managing Director, Green Mountain Law, Manchester, Vermont


Registration Fees

In-Person PACIF Member
Early Standard Late
In-Person VLCT Member
Early Standard Late
Virtual PACIF
Early Standard Late
Virtual VLCT
Early Standard Late
Hotel/Meal Package


  Lunch Sold Out! 0 Slots Left


NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Jacob Hemmerick
<p>Jacob (Jake) Hemmerick is a Community Planning &amp; Policy Manager in the Vermont Department of Housing &amp; Community Development.?He works on state planning and development policy; manages the municipal planning, bylaw modernization, and regional planning grant programs; and supports State designation programs and other special projects.? Prior to joining the State, he lived and worked as a local town planner in northwest Vermont.? Jake now lives in Barre City with his partner Lisa and pup Primo, where he serves as Mayor.</p>
VT Dept of Housing and Community Development  -
Josh Hanford
Vermont League of Cities and Towns  -
Merrill Bent
Woolmington, Campbell, Bent & Stasny, P.C.  -
Peter Gill
Natural Resources Board  -
Ted Brady
Vermont League of Cities and Towns  -


Continuing Education

