This event is currently being hosted on a separate registration page. Click here to be redirected to the appropriate page.

Clean Heat Standard Gathering for Municipalities

September 26, 2024


Thursday, September 26, 2024


12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Registration Deadline

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Clean Heat Standard Gathering for Municipalities Event Image

This event is hosted by the Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity exclusively for VLCT members. 

The Clean Heat Standard (CHS) deserves your attention as a municipal leader. Participate in designing Vermont’s response in the thermal sector!

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 PM learn more about – and share your thoughts on – the potential Clean Heat Standard. The CHS will affect what you pay to heat and cool your municipal facilities, business, or home. Click here for an overview of the essential elements of the CHS legislation.

Act 18 of 2023 uses a multifaceted strategy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by Vermont's use of energy in heating and cooling. It creates a Clean Heat Standard program with financial incentives that promote the adoption of clean heating and cooling technologies. The bill brings the state closer to a more sustainable energy future. However, the success of this program hinges not only on its environmental effectiveness, but also on its prioritization of affordability and accessibility, particularly for disadvantaged communities.

This potential standard will serve as a critical component of Vermont’s effort to combat climate change and meet the Global Warming Solution Act’s goals. 

Click here to register. The Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity will send you the Zoom link a few days before the gathering.


Registration Fees

Hotel/Meal Package



NameOrganizationSpeaking At


Continuing Education

